Hopefully, this message finds you in good health. No matter your age, location, professional background or family situation, the COVID-19 pandemic impacts us all. As human beings, most of us love predictability and are risk averse. All of this, we had to let go of in a matter of mere weeks. On top of that, we’re having to develop new work and home routines, whilst simultaneously becoming our kids’ teachers and keeping a very close eye on the beloved elderly in our lives. Not an easy task. It would only be a natural response to be somewhat shaken by this, in whatever way, shape or form.
Especially during these more taxing times, I intend to continue offering coaching sessions. Intakes are still conducted face-to-face, naturally speaking only when no one has any COVID-19 symptoms. Most sessions (including intakes), however, currently take place via video calls. Also, the so-called ‘walk & talks’ (very popular since my 2,5 year old Jack Russell Charlie joins me on most of them 😉 are still taking place, taking the 1,5 meter distance into account at all times. Please don’t hesitate to call or email me about the aforementioned. Take care and be safe.Â