The rate at Time to Talk is € 159,50 per hour excl. VAT*
This rate applies to all work such as coaching, observations, meetings with third parties (teacher, family doctor), consultation by email or phone, evaluations, preparation and report writing. This rate applies, unless departure from this procedure is stated in the coaching agreement, such as with a coaching trajectory abroad. In this case, the rate is as stated in the coaching agreement.
Travel costs
The hourly rate does not include travel costs. Rates concerning the travel costs are as follows:
The Hague • € 25,- per session (excl. 21% VAT) Voorburg • € 30,- per session (excl. 21% VAT) Wassenaar • € 30,- per session (excl. 21% VAT) Leiden • € 35,- per session (excl. 21% VAT)Delft • € 35,- per session (excl. 21% BTW) Rotterdam • € 40,- per session (excl. 21% VAT)
Alphen a/d Rijn • € 40,- per session (excl. 21% VAT)
Amsterdam • € 50,- per session (excl. 21% VAT)
Utrecht • € 50,- per session (excl. 21% VAT)
‘t Gooi • € 55,- per session (excl. 21% VAT)
Antwerp • € 60,- per session (excl. 21% VAT)
Invoicing and cancellation policy
Invoices will at all times be sent directly to you and are to be paid by you, regardless of your insurance coverage.
In case the planned session needs to be cancelled, please do so at least 48 hours in advance. You can leave a voicemail message 24 hours a day (t: +31 (0)6 3431 6769).
Should the session be cancelled less than 48 hours in advance, 100% of the scheduled time will be charged.
Reimbursement by insurance company
Insurance coverage varies considerably from company to company and even between policy levels within a company. It can be advisable to first check this with your provider.
Often the following is being asked regarding my titles and/or registrations. These are as follows:
Doctorandus in the field of Educational and Developmental Psychology PSYCHOLOOG NIP Member of the Dutch Institute for Psychologists (Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen) – membership number 208285AGB-codes: 94100328 (psychologist), 94061963 (practice)
Referral by (family) doctor
A referral note from your (family) doctor is not obligatory. It will however enhance the chances of receiving (partial) reimbursement from your insurance company. Also, the family doctor will appreciate knowing about the coaching trajectory.
*Since January 2013, the basic profession of Psychologists is no longer exempt from the levy of VAT. This decision might be reversed, however, for now 21% VAT is to be levied.
After contacting me via the online contact form, by email or by phone, a complimentary phone screening is scheduled, which also serves as an opportunity to get acquainted*. This screening will last approximately 10-15 minutes. During this screening, we will look into whether it is possible to start a coaching trajectory. Afterwards, in almost all cases, an intake will be planned, which will take place at your family home. Depending on their age and/or the reason(s) at stake, the meeting will take place with your child(ren) absent or present or with you as parent(s) absent or present.
The fee for the intake is € 350,- excl. 21% VAT. It’s built up from the intake itself, the coaching plan written afterwards, as well as the travel time and cost. The intake is of fundamental importance in regards to offering a coaching trajectory that is of high quality.
After the intake, in almost all cases, a follow-up meeting is planned (the first coaching session). Prior to this meeting, you as parents** will receive the coaching plan and terms and conditions. With your approval, the coaching trajectory will begin. As of that moment, the hourly rate will be charged.
* Sometimes during the first encounter (before face to face contact), it becomes clear that the support you are looking for, is not offered by Time to Talk. I’d gladly help you find suitable support.
** In case that you as parents are divorced, both of you have legal custody and your child is below the age of 16, both of your approvals are necessary to begin the coaching trajectory.